So life has been crazily busy, from seeing family to small holidays it’s been an actioned packed couple of weeks. I’ve 100% decided that daily rambles is not possible for me at the moment, my dicipline is just not there yet!

Also I’m 99.99% sure I have ADHD. I’m not diagnosed, but all signs point in that direction. I’ve been trying to improve my workflow to keep me on track and to stop my mind wandering. I’ve found that super small approachable tasks are really great for helping me get work done.

I’ve also found an app called Sunsama which helps you manage your work todo by alloting time in your calendar for that specific task. It’s working great so far, although I’m not sure I’ve been convinced yet to part with my money.

Also I need to find a vim plugin that automatically wraps lines after 88 characters, this is teadious manually…