So I’ve had a bit more time to myself recently, and have had a bit more drive to get stuff done, so I decided to try and progress project pineapple a bit more. I’ve actually made a load of progress on it to a point at which I think in the next week or so I’d be ready to launch an early version.

I can very much be chaotic in my approach to things sometimes and I found (not so shockingly) that breaking the working into small actionable chunks makes it much easier to make progress πŸ“ˆ. One thing I also realised with my side projects is that I always have to over-engineer it, and I get to a point whereby I lose interest.

I decided this project was the one I was going to do the minimal work to get it functioning and get something out there, and it’s been working!

Anyway, I have a few more things to tweak/get in place, and then I’ll be ready to launch it πŸŽ‰. I’ll probably do a few small rambles about it and then a bigger post once it’s launched.

As an aside, ChatGPT can be so useful at times for being a pairing buddy…